Los Angeles Traffic School Online

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Los Angeles Traffic School Online

Easy self-paced online traffic school

100% Internet based course.  Our service keeps your traffic ticket hidden from your record, leaving your insurance rate unchanged.  Your certificate is quickly sent electronically to your courthouse. 

Get Started Here or Chat With Us at 323-283-8404.

10 + 10 =

Don’t let your insurance rate rise 20%

Mask your ticket from your DMV record the easy way using our online course.

Taking a licensed traffic school course in California will prevent points from appearing on your public driving record and prevents your insurance company from seeing them.  All California traffic schools are pretty similar but we made ours less expensive, easier, faster and added in more support to be the best traffic school in California. We submit every day to every court.

Keep Your Insurance Rates Low

Your rates will go up 20% for 3 years if you skip out on doing traffic school.  You can do our course in one sitting or over several days as you have time.

Internet Course 100% Online 24/7

Use your cellphone, computer, laptop or tablet anytime and from anyplace as long as you have Internet access.  Saves your progress as you go.

For Any Court in California

We submit the same day your completion to your court because we are licensed statewide by the DMV we are licensed for all courts.

Only Need 70% to Pass the Test

We only ask everyday driving questions on our test this way the answers are common sense.  25 questions and you can miss 7 and pass!

Traffic School in 3 Steps

Our easy signup just asks a few questions then we ask for your ticket information at the end of the course.

Unlimited retries on our easy online traffic school course to mask your ticket from your record.  Same materials but quicker then an in-person class.

Very simple 25 question quiz multiple choice/true false. Only need 18 of 25 right to pass, it is “open book” meaning you can open the entire course in a new tab so the answers are right there.

Common Traffic School Eligible Tickets

You can get a traffic ticket for minor driving offenses or equipment violations, like running a red light, speeding, or having a broken tail light. Any ticket that is a moving violation you can and should choose to take traffic school for as long as it has been 18 months since the last time you took traffic school. We provide traffic school for any ticket that the court lets you take traffic school for, mostly moving violations.

Speeding Tickets

A speeding ticket on your record is a big red flag to insurance agencies.  Going to traffic school keeps it from your insurance company.

Stop Sign Tickets

When police officers are behind on giving tickets this is a go -to for sure way to catch up.  Mask your ticket with our online traffic school.

Cellphone Tickets

Manipulating your phone in any way these days ends up with a cellphone ticket.  Keep your insurance rates low by taking traffic school.

Eligible Tickets

We have a full list of traffic tickets you can hide by taking traffic school  Gone are the old days of in person now it is fast, easy and online.

Counties We Provide Traffic School For

Calaveras County

El Dorado County

Imperial County

Lake County

Marin County

Modoc County

Nevada County

San Mateo County

Shasta County

Sonoma County

Trinity County

Alpine County

Colusa County

Fresno County

Inyo County

Lassen County

Mariposa County

Mono County

Orange County

Sacramento County

San Francisco County

Santa Barbara County

Sierra County

Stanislaus County

Yuba County

Amador County

Contra Costa County

Glenn County

Kern County

Mendocino County

Monterey County

Placer County

San Benito County

San Joaquin County

Santa Clara County

Siskiyou County

Sutter County

Butte County

Del Norte County

Humboldt County

Kings County

Madera County

Merced County

Napa County

Plumas County

San Bernardino

San Luis Obispo

Santa Cruz County

Solano County

Tehama County